Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pomp n' Circumstance

"Inauguration" comes from the Latin verb inaugurare, meaning "to take omens from birds." In a purely etymological world, Barack Obama should either a) get someone to help him read the entrails of an eagle Dick Cheney shot in the backwoods of Virginny or b) stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial and wait for a bird to fly by, poop on his head, and consecrate him into office.

Wiggity wack.


Brian Dodd said...

Still laughing...laughing....laughing...glad to see all those years of Latin paying off....laughing...tear forming...chuckle/giggling...

laughingjulia said...

On the Daily Show they said that Dick Cheney was even scarier in a wheel chair. They said he might as well of had a white cat in his arms haha.